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Classification of Supplies

Inter/ Intra- State supplies

Where the Supplier and the Recipient are located in the same state it clearly denotes “Intra-State supplies” and Supplier and recipient are located in the different state it will be considered as “Inter-state supplies”.

Import and Export of Services

As per the place of supply rules of the new tax regime, 0% GST is charged in any export of goods and services from India. IGST covers the import and export sectors in India whereas export is GST free and import welcomes Basic Customs Duty along with IGST rate.

The supply of any service will be treated as ‘Import of service’ under the following circumstances-


  • If the service supplier is located outside India
  • If the service recipient is in India
  • If the supply of service place is in India
  • If both the supplier and recipient of service don’t belong to a distinct person

In case of ‘export of service’-


  • If the service supplier is located outside India
  • If the service recipient is in India
  • If the supply of service place is in India
  • If the payment for such services is received by the service supplier in convertible foreign exchange
  • If both the supplier and recipient of service don’t belong to a distinct person

Import and Export of Services

Tax rate
0% of supply
Levy of Basic Customs duty along with IGST
Input tax credit
ITC refund is allowed
ITC is only allowed on the IGST
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